임팩트 디자인
[학과홈페이지] ︎
[학과소개영상] ︎
[사업단신청서] ︎
[자체운영규정] ︎
[1차년도자체평가] ︎
[2차년도자체평가] ︎
[재선정평가 신청서] ︎
[BK21 Webzine] ︎
[학과소개영상] ︎
[사업단신청서] ︎
[자체운영규정] ︎
[1차년도자체평가] ︎
[2차년도자체평가] ︎
[재선정평가 신청서] ︎
[BK21 Webzine] ︎
임팩트 디자인은 범 사회적인 인류의 당면 문제를 해결하기 위해 긍정적 미래와 지속가능한 영향력을 창출하는 디자인이자 과학기술, 비지니스, 사회, 환경을 포함한 인류 전반에 큰 효과를 일으키는 KAIST 발 신 패러다임을 의미한다.
Impact Design is a paradigm launched by KAIST that focuses on design that creates a positive future and sustainable influence to solve the current problems of humanity across society, and that has a great effect on the entire human race including science and technology, business, society, and the environment.
Impact Design is a paradigm launched by KAIST that focuses on design that creates a positive future and sustainable influence to solve the current problems of humanity across society, and that has a great effect on the entire human race including science and technology, business, society, and the environment.
본 교육연구단은 최첨단 기술의 사회적 또는 사용자 중심적 가치를 극대화하는 새로운 제품 및 서비스의 개념을 창의적으로 제안하고 개선함으로써 새로운 디자인 패러다임을 이끌 수 있는 인재를 양성하기 위한 대학원 과정을 지향한다.
The unit aims to cultivate talents who can lead a new design paradigm by creatively proposing and improving the concept of new products and services that maximize the social or user-centered value of cutting-edge technology.
The unit aims to cultivate talents who can lead a new design paradigm by creatively proposing and improving the concept of new products and services that maximize the social or user-centered value of cutting-edge technology.